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Journal Prompts for Self Love & Self Care

Whenever I watch the news or log into my Facebook account, I see important things happening. It is a time for action and important conversations. People are talking about violence from extremists, the fight for net neutrality, the threats against America's education system, and the conversations surrounding sexual harassment and assault. These are important conversations but these are heavy conversations as well. Some of the stories that gain traction in our news feeds can hit home for many of us. These are exhausting times that challenge our desire to be an informed citizen and our need for sanity. But we have to remember to that it is important to look after our own creativity and wellbeing.

Journaling is creative way to help manage stress, tension and emotions. It is also a helpful way to insert writing practice into your daily life. Though you could journal about anything your heart desires, it sometimes helps to have a prompt to guide you. Whether you are an avid writer looking for inspiration or someone who is simply looking for some clarity in troubling times, these prompts may be helpful in finding self love and self care through writing.

List Making

Lists are not just journal space-fillers! There is much reflection and thought that can be found in list making that may be harder to organize in longer pieces of prose. Here are some list ideas:

1. List three things you like about yourself.

2. Make a list of the things that are stressing you out at this moment. Follow up with a list of all those things in which you can control.

3. Make a list of all the things you are looking forward to in the future.

Refocus on the Now

During heavy times, it's difficult to live in the present. A part of taking care of your own mind and creative self is remembering to re-ground yourself in the present. It is both calming and mindful.

1. What are you wearing right now? Where are you? What smells, tastes, etc. are in the air? How do these surroundings and details feel?

2. Write a paragraph about one small thing that makes you genuinely happy. This could be coffee, small turtles, rainbow sprinkles, the way your best friend laughs, the color yellow, etc.

3. What is one meaningful, deliberate thing you did today? It could be as small as drinking a cup of coffee to inspire motivation or as big as joining a protest.

Reflect on Yourself and the People in your Life

Positive reflection of yourself and the important people in your life are a great way to stir yourself away from the negativity of the outside world. Reminding yourself of the good within yourself and other reminds you that, despite the tension and stress, there is still good in the world.

1. What is one physical trait that you would never change about yourself? Why do you like this trait?

2. Write a description of a person you adore. Describe their appearance as well as their personality. Describe them as if you were an author introducing a character.

3. Write about the last time someone did something kind for you. Write about the last time you did something kind for another person.

Feel free to use these prompts for writing circles, classrooms, clubs, etc.

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